PWDs want government to do more about their plight

PWDs want government to do more about their plight

Leaders of people with disabilities and members of Parliament on the equal opportunities committee have called upon the appointing authority to consider filling the docket of minister for the disabled and elderly which has been vacant for some time.

This was part of their message during national celebrations to mark the International Day of the Persons with Disabilities which was held at Iganga Municipal Primary school in Iganga district on December 3.

The celebrations attracted PWDs from different districts across the country.

In her remarks, the Minister of state for Gender, Peace Mutuuzo, encouraged government ministries, agencies and departments to consider employing PWDs in different offices.

She revealed plans by government to increase the special grant for persons with disabilities from the Shs 5 billion currently to at least Shs 10 billion per annum

The PWDs used this occasion to point out some pertinent issues that ought to be done to address their plight especially economic empowerment.

Members on the Equal Opportunities Committee of Parliament led by Busia Municipality MP Godfrey Macho reminded the president to fill the vacant Ministry of state for the Disabled and the Elderly.

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