RDC, CAO Clash Over Covid-19 Cash

RDC, CAO Clash Over Covid-19 Cash

Bugweri Resident District Commissioner Gadi Lugaaju has accused the Chief Administrative Officer, Mr Jonathan Mukose, of misappropriating Shs20 Million meant for use in the fight against Covid-19.

The money was recently brought to the district taskforce by the Second Deputy Prime minister Kirunda Kivejinja.

But Mr Lugaaju on Wednesday claimed that the CAO teamed up with the District Health Officer, Dr Peter Mawerere, and budgeted for the money donated by Kivejinja without his input as the chairperson of the Covid-19 taskforce.

He said the duo wanted him to sign and approve the budget without internalizing it.

RDC said the CAO and DHO teamed up to withdraw the Taskforce car from him yet his private vehicle is down.

He said he decided to surrender the vehicle and resort to hiring motorcycles for use while implementing the government programs.

But the CAO accused the RDC of being ignorant of the Local Government Act. He said due to this ignorance, he wants to exercise powers beyond his limits. The DHO said the RDC has a hidden agenda with the allegations made against them


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