Mass testing at City Hall as four KCCA staff test positive of Coronavirus

Mass testing at City Hall as four KCCA staff test positive of Coronavirus

Four staff at City Hall , the  Kampala Capital City Authority headquarters  have tested positive of Coronavirus.

On Friday, there was panic at the KCCA headquarters as the four staff were being evacuated by the Ministry of Health Emergence Response team after developing signs and symptoms of Covid-19.

The Kampala Minister, Betty Amongi on Saturday revealed that tests found out that the four staff members including a driver, cleaner and two technical officers were positive of the virus.

“The contacts are being traced and a few of them that had gone near them have so far gone into self –isolation. Other contacts are being traced from their families and friends,”Amongi said on Saturday.

Mass testing

The Minister revealed that mass testing for Coronavirus for all staff has kicked off at City Hall, starting with security guards.

“What we have decided to do is that on Monday all our staff working in KCCA will be undergoing mass testing,” she said.

The development comes at a time when there is a Coronavirus scare in two government institutions including the Ministry of Health and the Office of the Prime Minister.

On Saturday night, number of frontline health workers who contacted the virus rose to 17 as nine more health workers from Kampala tested positive.

The Prime Minister, Dr.Ruhakana Rugunda on Friday announced he had gone into self-isolation after getting into contact with a person who later tested positive.

Uganda’s Coronavirus cases are at 593 whereas  82 of these  have fully recovered and discharged from various hospitals across the country.

Panic at KCCA headquarters as four staff are evacuated over Coronavirus

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