Doreen Nyanjura: “I will fight for the people of Kampala”

Doreen Nyanjura: “I will fight for the people of Kampala”

The newly appointed Kampala deputy Lord Mayor, Doreen Nyanjura, has said that she will be a deputy to a leader of untiring fights for the people of Kampala.

Nyanjura was named the deputy Lord Mayor of Kampala after the position fell vacant following the resignation of Sarah Kanyike who left for a position within KCCA.

She awaits for KCCA council approval which is due to sit on Monday next week.

In her acceptance speech, Nyanjura said she will be a seasoned defender of the voiceless and an unwavering general of the struggle for truth, justice and the rule of law.

“Taking on this responsibility demands of me to further summon the courage in me, the loyalty in me and the spirit to stand for and besides the people of this city,”she said.

She expressed her pleasure and gratitude to the Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago, for giving her an opportunity to serve the people of Kampala.

“I know that your agenda for this city continues to be the need to ensure social justice for our people, to ensure the betterment of the infrastructure in Kampala, the betterment of public schools for our young learners, the betterment of public health centers for our residents and visitors and the betterment of markets, business places and other public places for the people of Kampala,”she said.

She however said that the desire to better services in Kampala cannot be properly achieved under the current governance conditions imposed on them by the sitting regime that continues to impose itself and repress our citizenry.

“I take office in very challenging times where those who oppress us intend to extend their oppression through what they are referring to as a scientific election. I have never tolerated any kind of fraud, worse still political fraud,”she said.

She noted that in her new position of struggle, she intends to deepen the struggle against Museveni to its logical conclusion so that women and children of this country can live in a free and liberated country where each of them can use the opportunities available to them to improve their conditions of living.

“I therefore understand our continued joint effort to liberate ourselves from this corrupt and oppressive regime. I will continue to work with you to execute this struggle until when the people of our country are liberated,”she said.

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