Black Lives Matter: African Americans asked to consider returning, investing home

Black Lives Matter: African Americans asked to consider returning, investing home

East African Partners (EAP) a company that markets East Africa as an investment destination has encouraged African Americans to consider taking up investments in East Africa.

 In the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd, an African American by the US Police on May,25,2020, protests broke out across the US and  Europe in a bid to advocate for rights for the blacks.

According to Isaac Kigozi, the Managing Director for East African Partners, it is time African return to their homeland and start developing their own home countries.

“Different African countries have made arrangements to ensure a safe landing for these sons and daughters of the African continent. I believe it is time for our brothers and sisters to consider coming back home and focus on rebuilding Africa, their home instead of building the Caucasian man’s home,”Kigozi said.

Speaking about his past, Kigozi said he stayed in the US for more than 20 years before he chose to return and contribute to the development of his own continent.

“I can attest to the fact that African governments have created a conducive environment to resettle those willing to settle home as well as those willing to set up business investments,” he said.

“There are enormous investment opportunities in Uganda and the East African region block; these opportunities range from Oil and Gas, infrastructure, real estate, tourism, education, health, transport, agriculture, technology, among others.”

Kigozi explains that the region is also blessed with excellent labour force with is skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled as well as other infrastructure including roads and electricity for the smooth running of their investments adding that the warm reception of African will also see investors thrive.

“Early this year we led a delegation of African Americans to meet with President Museveni who encouraged them to invest in the different sectors in the country. The President treated the delegation to a warm welcome and promised to render them any kind of support that they would need in setting up any investment venture. It is high time this opportunity is seized by our brothers and sisters in America,” Kigozi said.


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