Another director quits Police after contract expires

Another director quits Police after contract expires

Another Police director at the rank of Assistant Inspector General of Police has officially quit the force after his contract expired.

AIGP Moses Balimwoyo, the Police Director in charge of Interpol and International Relations on Tuesday retired after serving the force for 46 years.

Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga confirmed the development.

“He has retired and handed over office to his deputy Senior Commissioner of Police, Charles Birungi,”Enanga told the Nile Post.

The Police‘s Chief Political Commissar, AIGP Asan Kasingye praised Balimwoyo for serving the country diligently.

“Thank you so much for serving this country with zeal, honour, integrity and professionalism. May God bless you so abundantly,” Kasigye tweeted.

To honor his colleague, Kasingye posted two photos of Balimwoyo joining the force 46 years later and another on his last day, all taken at Kibuli which was in 1974, the police training school but now turned to CID headquarters.

“The day you joined versus your retirement day today. Nothing has changed (the buildings at Kibuli). It’s a relic. We won’t change it easily.”

Having joined the force in 1974 as a Constable, Balimwoyo has risen through the ranks to Assistant Inspector General of Police, the second highest in the force.

AIGP Balimwoyo has spent most of his career in the Crimes Investigations Division before he was later appointed as the director in charge of Human Resource and Administration.

He was last year appointed the director in charge of Interpol and International Relations.


Balimwoyo joins AIGP Asuman Mugyenyi who last month retired from the force he had served for 32 years after his two year contract ended.

President Museveni in a March 24,2020 message to the Police Force said he had renewed contracts for eight Police Directors including  Joseph Mugisha(Fire and Rescue Services),Erasmus Twaruhukwa(Legal and Human Rights) Francis Rwego,(Police attache at African Union), Asan Kasingye(Chief Political Commisar), Edward Ochoma(Research), Abbas Byakagaba(Counter Terrorism),Andrew Sorowen, (Sports and General Duties) and John Ndungutse Ngaruye (Police attache in Nairobi, Kenya).

The president however remained silent on contract extension for a number of other directors including Dr.Stephen Kasiima( formerly in Traffic and Road Safety), Godfrey Bangirana( former Director in charge of Logistics and Engineering), Lemmy Twinomugisha( former Director in charge of Welfare), Haruna Isabirye(Police  attaché at Ugandan Embassy in Washington), Asuman Mugyenyi( Director Operations) and Grace Turyagumanawe(Peace support  Operations) despite recommendations from the Police Authority chaired by the Internal Affairs Minister to renew the contracts.



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