URA says a new era has begun as it confirms resignation of four senior staff members

URA says a new era has begun as it confirms resignation of four senior staff members

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has said a new era will define the tax body after the resignation of four senior staff members.

On Friday night, the commissioner in charge of domestic taxes, Dicksons Kateshumbwa announced his immediate resignation in an email to all URA staff.

“Today after more than 14 years of service in the authority I have decided to end my tour of duty ahead of my contractual period with immediate effect,”Kateshumbwa said in the email.

He posted on twitter: “I have decided to take early exit from URA after 14 years of service. Coincidentally my tenure as World Customs Organization Council chair ends in June hence no seeking re-election. I am Proud of the all -round leadership service in tax and customs.”

Consequently, three other senior staff at the tax body also announced their immediate resignation.

In a statement later, the URA board confirmed the resignation of Kateshumbwa, together with Henry Saka, the Commissioner in charge of tax investigations, Silajji Kanyesigye Baguma, the Assistant Commissioner in charge of large taxpayers office and Samuel Kahima from the Auditor domestic tax department.

“The URA board has accepted their resignations. Following the above developments and in line with the URA Leadership Rotational Framework, the composition of the Heads of Department and the Large Taxpayers Office will be as follows with immediate effect,” URA said in a statement released on Saturday afternoon.

Consequently, URA announced a number of changes that saw Patrick Mukiibi transferred from the position of Commissioner Corporate Services to the position of Commissioner Domestic Taxes whereas Patience T. Rubagumya will remain as the Commissioner for Legal Services and Board Affairs.

The new changes have also seen Herbert Rusoke remain as Commissioner Internal Audit and Compliance whereas Abel Kagumire is still the acting Commissioner for Customs and Mathew Mugabi has been appointed as the acting Commissioner Tax Investigations.

In the new changes, James Kizza is now the acting Commissioner in charge of Corporate Services and John Tinka Katungwesi will be the acting Assistant Commissioner for the Large Taxpayers Office.

The URA board however said that other senior management positions have not been affected by the changes.

“Management wishes to reiterate that integrity; patriotism and professionalism will define the new era at URA developing Uganda together.”

The development comes barely a month after Doris Akol was shown the exit as the  URA Commissioner General by President Museveni who chose to replace her with Musinguzi Rujoki.



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