Kasumba: I am a victim of being misunderstood…that’s what I learnt from my arrest
Baca Juga

Let me begin by saying that I knew and sensed I would get arrested around two years ago! What I did not know then was when and by whom.
When and if you live in a nation with many resisting natural phenomena like differences that will be your inevitable lot.
I shall by the end of this try help you understand why I was so sure that I would be arrested.
Let me begin by saying that I am not about to invest time in helping many understand me.
Here is why.
I am a good student of biblical theology and that means I know how certain things work.
God had made us different and from visible things like fingerprints to invisible ones such DNA, we have deep reminders of how different we are.
This is why latest technology personalizing mobile phones now has face recognition technology because no one is like another.
I wonder why people try hard to make us think and do things like them…What the makers of these gadgets have done is refuse to go down the simple road many commit of fighting differences among human beings.
They have instead capitalized on it making that one of the reasons their gadgets cost more. Not a bad idea laughing your way to the bank.
They are making money from what my accuser ho ever they are grapple with. The question of who exactly wanted me in is a puzzling one from many fronts!
Let me help you by giving you context lets you lose what I just said.
Government could do with some popularity right now.
It is certainly enjoying the limelight both locally and internationally from its successes with the handling of COVID 19 and all of a sudden it goes to a television station to pick up a journalist?
When General Tumukunde was picked they did not wait outside his house! They went in…
These guys waited outside our offices and it is now clear for days. Why would government do this? Timing argues against that. So you and I can work out who it could be.
I am warning you that this is a simultaneous equation and the best method is to solve it by elimination method.
There are bits and pieces coming to my mind even before all my electronic gadgets are returned that includes my phones and laptops.
By the way I was asked to write passwords for all of them including those of my emails, phones and laptops. I have no problem with this because I have nothing to hide.
Secondly the reputation of the police is on the line.
There is nothing in my life that I do without first working out how to deal with the consequences.
No one ever runs away from consequences anyway.
You simply cannot embarrass people made and educated like me. The long story short, I know many love me and I have seen and appreciated the outpouring of love.
I don’t think like most people because of my theology training.
When you manage to get through the training, I received which included both Elementary, Advanced and MA Biblical Greek and Hebrew your mind expands, your world view broadens and that means that your descriptions of and for many things take a drastic turn.
A very good thing if you live in Caucasian country. I don’t thankfully and sadly in equal measure.
Now you have to remember if you had forgotten, or know if you did not already, that descriptions are a distilled out of frames of reference.
The measurement of 100kms is a description of a distance from a specific point.
If you change that point that distance changes. That point is the frame of reference.
So I am very unlike many people in how I see things because the points from which I begin are significantly different.
This new me given to me by my theology Caucasian education has had me fall out with many people who have wanted to force me to be like them and see things the way they do.
I just can’t.
I have resigned jobs four times. I cannot surrender a birthright i.e. understanding things for myself for another person.
That’s lazy.
That another will have the right to think and understand for me and mine would be to simply consume the products of that process?
What then is my head for? That is an abuse of a facility the maker gave me: a brain. I think and understand for myself.
This is the reason I do not do hate. Hate is simplistic and lazy. I believe in the conquering power of love. Love is where I begin and end.
Out of love for the nation and interests of persons and their well being, I write, tweet, and Facebook.
Because I want people to do better and I want entities big and small to be better.
Remember being misunderstood never can stop me because as I said at the beginning it not worth investing time in being understood.
So I am happy to note that I am a victim of being misunderstood. I am not usual and not about to try to be even is if at the end of that is a reward of being understood by the majority.
It’s better to go to jail because you were misunderstood than stay outside because the fear of jail got you fitting in.
The problem is you will be outside with a jailed mind, I was inside with a free mind.
Choose very carefully where you want your jail and your freedom. I have made my choice and its obvious.
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