Obote’s Grand Daughter Succumbs to Coronavirus in London

Obote’s Grand Daughter Succumbs to Coronavirus in London

The granddaughter of former President, Dr. Apollo Milton Obote, Sarah Aceng has died in London due to Coronavirus.

The late Ms. Aceng, a social worker who was entrusted by her North London Borough Council to handle elderly affairs, became a victim of the pandemic on Saturday evening.

Aceng was the daughter of Charles Akora, a son to Milyeri Apio Ayer, the little known first wife of Obote before he married Miria Kalule.

Former UTV/ Radio (currently UBC) Chief News Editor and staunch UPC supporter, Magemeso Namungalu posted about the demise of Aceng on Sunday morning.

“I have just learnt from Mr. Charles Akora that he has lost his dear daughter Sarah Aceng in London due to Coronavirus. My condolences and I am with you in spirit although it is difficult to get where you are because of the (current) situation,” said Namungalu.

Aceng became a British citizen and was active in the country’s politics. In early 2000s she unsuccessfully took a shot at becoming a member of the House of Commons on independent ticket.

United Kingdom is the seventh most affected country in the world with over 19,500 Coronavirus cases, over 1,200 fatalities and over 130 recoveries as of Saturday evening.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other to government officials are among those positive and have appealed to their citizens to brace for more tough times in coming weeks.

Four of the seven Coronavirus cases confirmed in Uganda on Saturday were also from the United Kingdom. One of the three cases confirmed on Sunday also returned from UK.

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