Muslims in Busoga region urged to unite for easy prosperity and development

Muslims in Busoga region urged to unite for easy prosperity and development

The Social Humanitarian Aid Delivery Uganda (SHADU) has donated eight incubation machines to the eight Muslim counties (Twales) of Jinja Muslim District.

The machines were handed over to the respective county Sheikhs by the Regional Kadhi Busoga Muslim Region Dr. Muhammad Bowa, during a ceremony held at Wakitaka Mosque in Butembe Central Twale – Jinja Muslim District.

In his remarks at the ceremony, Dr. Bowa who was the guest of honour, lauded the management of SHADU for responding to Uganda Muslim Supreme Council’s call for unity and development.

He said Busoga is now enjoying such developments because of the muslim unity that exists in the region.

“Development is possible when there is unity. We have received these machines because of the unity that we have demonstrated as a region” Dr. Bowa said.

He told the congregation that, with unity and hard work, more development initiatives will come.

“If you put the machines to proper use, the donors might decide to give us more and even replicate the initiative in other Muslim regions” he said.

He commended the Twale Sheikhs of Jinja Muslim district for organising themselves under a fully registered and active cooperative.

The UMSC spokesperson, Nsereko Mutumba was the guest speaker at the ceremonies and in his remarks, he urged the county Sheikhs not to personalise the machines noting that they were not donated to them as individuals.

He urged the youth and the elderly and the youth in Busoga region to work together as muslims and Ugandans.

To the muslim youth in Busoga, Mutumba urged them to be God fearing,disciplined, hardworking and peaceful.

“Stay away from trouble and use peaceful means when expressing your grievances”Haji Nsereko Mutumba said.

He urged Muslims in Busoga to be hard-working so that they can raise enough wealth to educate their children and sustain their families.

By donating the incubation machines, Mutumba said that, SHADU was contributing to the government’s operation wealth creation.

The Chairman of SHADU Dr. Balonde Kassim Idd said the organisation is fully registered and recognised by the government and UMSC.

“All our programs countrywide are implemented through UMSC structures and they are aimed at improving the livelihoods of Muslims, especially those in need” Dr. Kassim said.

He said SHADU’s programs include; building Mosques, constructing boreholes, giving humanitarian aid, Kurbani and supporting community development projects or income generating activities among others.

The Patron of SHADU, Shk. Muzammil Musungule assured the Regional Kadhi that they will continue bring launch new programs as they come and all of them will be implemented through the UMSC structures.

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