Review: Uganda- Rwanda strained relations dominated the year 2019

Review: Uganda- Rwanda strained relations dominated the year 2019

The frost relations between Uganda and Rwanda that had gone on for a couple of years finally became pronounced early this year when Rwanda closed its borders with her immediate neighbor, Uganda.

“We are considering reducing the traffic of heavy trucks to allow completion of the OSBP infrastructure,” read a letter signed by Rosine Uwamariya, the Commissioner for Customs at Rwanda Revenue Authority.

“In view of the above, Rwanda Revenue Authority would like to inform you that with effect from February 28, 2019, all heavy trucks carrying goods destined and those transiting via Gatuna shall be temporarily diverted from using Gatuna Border Post to Kagitumba/Mirama Hills border posts,” she added.

What seemed like a small closure to allow for construction works at Gatuna turned took another dimension when all borders between the two countries were subsequently closed by Rwanda.

A number of drivers of vehicles with goods from Uganda destined to Rwanda faced rough times when clearing fees for trucks were increased on the Rwandan side without any clear explanation.

Truck drivers narrate ordeal as Rwanda -Uganda border impasse bites

It was later established that the closure was a form of protest by the Kigali establishment towards the Kampala government over a number of issues.

Rwanda accused Uganda of supporting forces bent on overthrowing their government and arresting several of their nationals and that they had consequently stopped them from travelling to Uganda “for fear of being arrested.”

However, in Kampala, government denied the claims and insisted all those Rwandan nationals arrested were spies who had been planted into the security forces.

Takes twist

The relations between the two brotherly and neighboring countries took another twist in May when two people were shot dead by the Rwandan army inside Uganda.

According to police John Baptist Kyerenge, a Rwandan national and Alex Nyesiga, a Ugandan were killed by Rwandan military personnel who crossed into Ugandan territory at Hamisavu trading centre along the border in Rukiga district.

Uganda to Rwanda: Killing people on Ugandan soil is provocative

Uganda would later issue a protest note to Rwanda over the double killing.

“The government of Uganda protests in the strongest terms the violation of its territorial integrity by Rwandan soldiers and the criminal, brutal and violent act… against unarmed civilians,” the Ugandan foreign ministry said in a statement.

However, in response, Rwanda said they acted in self-defense.

Sign pact

In August, Presidents Museveni and Paul Kagame sitting in Luanda and chaired by the Angolan President Joao Lourenco signed a deal that would see an end to the bickering between the two close allies.

The meeting was also attended by Congolese President, Felix Tshisekedi.

“Together with President Paul Kagame, we signed an agreement to improve the political and economic relations between our countries,” Museveni said.

“We have agreed on a raft of issues that will be implemented between our two countries, largely meant to improve our security, trade, and political relations. Uganda is fully committed to enforcing this agreement.”

Museveni, Kagame sign deal to normalize relations

The Rwandan President also confirmed the development.

“We had the opportunity to broadly and extensively discuss many issues as we understood them that underlined this problem, hence the Memorandum of Understanding we have reached today which stipulates the path to follow as we continue to try to resolve this problem,”Kagame said while addressing a press briefing after the meeting.

Both presidents agreed to respect each other’s sovereignty by refraining from activities that would lead to destabilization of each other’s territory.

The leaders of the Kigali and Kampala establishments, through the memorandum of understanding, agreed to protect and respect the rights and freedoms of the nationals of each other party residing or transiting in their national territories in accordance with the laws of that country.

They also agreed to immediately open the borders shared by both countries.

Another protest note

Barely three months after signing of the pact, the relations between the two countries took another twist after two Ugandans were shot dead inside Rwandan territory.

Two Ugandans had on a Saturday night been shot dead inside Rwanda, one kilometer away from the Mpororo border post for allegedly smuggling tobacco prompting Uganda to protest against the gruesome act.

Uganda issues protest note to Rwanda over weekend deadly shooting of two Ugandans


The Government of Uganda protests in the strongest terms the murder of its nationals by Rwandan security personnel for allegedly being involved in smuggling of goods across the common border. The alleged crime cannot justify the high handed and criminal act by the Rwandan security personnel, against unarmed civilians residing along the common border,” the Permanent Secretary for the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ambassador Patrick Mugoya said in a protest note to the Rwandan High Commissioner in Uganda, Maj.Gen.Frank Mugambage.

“Furthermore, the Ministry notes that these murders are inimical to the ongoing efforts to improve relations between the two countries. The Ministry demands that a joint investigation in the murders be conducted and the perpetrators held accountable.”

Follow up meetings

The two countries later held a successful meeting to follow up on what had been agreed during the signing of the pact and the first meeting was held in Kigali.

However, the second follow-up meeting that was supposed to be held in Kampala was postponed twice on Rwanda’s request until it was finally held early this month at Munyonyo.

Despite meeting for over seven hours, both delegations failed to agree on anything and referred the matters to their respective presidents to decide the next course of action.

Uganda- Rwanda talks hit dead end as parties fail to agree on anything



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