At Home Workouts for the Holiday Season

At Home Workouts for the Holiday Season


The Christmas holiday is for family reunions, visiting friends and everything merry making. While we eat and drink to our fill, there is an essential part of our lives that we tend to neglect; exercising.

Those who would love to work out also find it hard since most gyms are closed during this season. However, there are fun home workouts that will save you that extra bulge on your tummy and leave you healthy.

Here is what you can try both as an individual or even a group of friends and acquaintances to make it less hectic.

Evening walk

Robert Ddamulira, a gym instructor, notes that you can decide to walk around your home area with family and friends. You can do this by visiting your relatives or touring the place.

Walking will help you regulate your blood pressure, reduce the risk of excessive weight, strengthen bones and also increase on blood circulation.


Treat your kids to swimming sessions, it’s a full body workout

He adds that swimming is one of the most effective workouts one will ever do. Swimming will be more fun when you have company, try to incorporate in a bit of competition to make it more effective.

“Swimming puts the entire body into action. It builds strong bones, a fast remedy to weight loss and increases on blood circulation,” Ddamulira says.

Window shopping

You may not necessarily have something to buy but walk to the mall near you and stroll around as much as you can. You will in the processes put your body into action hence cutting some calories.

Play with your children

Children can be the best aid to your work out if engaged. Evelyn Aganyira, a mother of two, notes that you should play along with your children in the morning and evening times. She notes that games like running around the compound, skipping, dancing and singing will be a great deal of a workout.

Engage in ‘backyard sports’

Put your backyard space and features to good use!

Sports are fun and a good workout method. They help you build strong bones as well as cut weight.

“Engage in active games like rope skipping, basketball, football or net ball. These games will make you sweat hence cut calories,” Aganyira says.

She adds that these games are better played in the morning and evening.

Indoor work out

Since out door work outs could be a little hard to do, make use of the equipment around you effectively. Walk up and down your stairs at home, swing around if you have the materials or meditate from the comfort of your home by trying out yoga.

Sit ups exercises

Sit ups are one of the easiest exercises one can do from home since they don’t require workout equipment. They involve lying on your back, have someone hold your legs and move back and forth as many times as you can.

Get company

Working out alone could be ineffective as it makes an individual lazy. Having family or friends join you could make it fun and fruitful. Ddamulira says that you can have one person act as your leader to guide you through the process.

Eat healthy

Observing food discipline is the best method towards effective workout. Gorret Betty Mbabazi, a nurse, notes that you should drink at least seven glasses of water a day or alternatively take juice.

“You should eat a balanced diet giving greens a priority, avoid junk food and too much of a particular food,” she adds.


Your glutes will love a couple of squats daily to keep in shape

These are other types of exercise that you will do without machines but are very effective.

Squats are a strength training exercise done by putting the full body into exercise. Squats train the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps femoris muscle as well as strengthening the bones, ligaments and insertion of the tendons throughout the lower body.

Engage in general cleaning

Aganyira notes that intensive cleaning could be a great work out. Scrub all the rooms, windows and doors. You can also sweep the compound, weed the flower gardens and clean other dirty areas at home.

“These can be done on different days for you to exercise on a daily basis,” he adds.

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